Reflective Collars
One easy solution to help your protect your dog is to buy a reflective collar. These collars strongly reflect light and are similar to the material on running jackets and shoes. By having your dog wear a reflective collar you help increase visibility for drivers at night and during winter when day light is shorter.

Drivers have little time to react if a dog suddenly runs out into the street; a reflective collar will help a driver be more aware of the dog’s presence and adjust their driving speeds. Doggie Safety from Pet Stop

The Dog Wanderer

Do you have a dog that likes to roam the neighborhood? While dogs often have a good sense of direction and can find their way back home, there are many dangers waiting for them outside of your yard. These include possibly being hit by a car, getting picked up by animal services, eating things they shouldn’t that may injure or poison them, or getting into fights with other dogs or animals.

If you find that your dog is trying to escape your yard, you can take additional measures to keep them secured. However, as many dogs try to escape out of boredom, there are other things you can do to keep them occupied, safe and secure.

  • Adding a kiddie pool to let them play and splash in helps to keep your dog entertained
  • Taking your dog on routine walks lets them see and smell the outside world, helping to curb their desire to explore on their own
  • Making sure your dog has plenty of toys to play with also helps to keep them having fun

Dog Proof Your Home

Dogs are curious by nature, but you can take precautions around your home to ensure it doesn’t get the better of them. If you have a particularly nosy dog, they may get into your trash and eat something that could make them sick. Consider having a lid on your kitchen trash can or keeping it in a pantry closet.

Also take care to avoid leaving small object such as hair ties or socks lying on the floor. Many dogs can be injured or die from eating foreign objects they find.

Many baby proofing products, such as doorway gates, work very well for dogs as well.

Dog Toys and Treats

While all dogs have toys they love, it’s important to pick the right toys for your dog. Even though your pet might really be eyeing the bone that’s as big as them, it’s important to pick toys and treats relative to your dog’s size. For example, a toy that isn’t very sturdy may be easily broken by a larger dog allowing them to eat part of it they shouldn’t. Likewise, a smaller dog should have chew toys that are made for their size so they don’t injure their teeth.

Many toys and treats come with recommended sizes and breeds, so just choose what’s best for your dog.

Following these safety tips will help keep your dog safe.

Do you have any tips you would like to share?